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McCarthy-Jacobs Joint Venture Secures Groundwater Desalination Project in Southern California

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TORRANCE, CA — The McCarthy-Jacobs joint venture was selected to design and build the Torrance Groundwater Desalter Expansion, a critical component of the Water Replenishment District (WRD) of Southern California’s Brackish Groundwater Reclamation Program and its larger “WIN 4 ALL” initiative. The desalination expansion project will treat salt water in the West Coast Groundwater Basin and create a more resilient local drinking water supply for more than 88,000 residents in the area — eliminating the need for imported water.

The expanded desalination facility will use reverse osmosis membrane technology to remove salts from the extracted groundwater and produce drinking water — possibly a first-of-its-kind nano filtration and reverse osmosis treatment for a municipal brackish water facility. At WRD’s budgeted capital cost of approximately $160 million, the Torrance Groundwater Desalter Expansion will increase the capacity of the Robert W. Goldsworthy Desalter Facility to provide up to 9 million gallons per day of additional drinking water to the City of Torrance, with full-scale production targeted for 2027.

“Jacobs and McCarthy bring innovative water treatment solutions, paired with design-build experience to create a highly skilled team for this significant groundwater desalination project in southern California,” Jacobs Senior Vice President Katus Watson said. “The progressive design-build delivery model allows us to work collaboratively to minimize cost, reduce risk, streamline construction, and improve schedule performance to fast track the completion of this state-of-the-art facility that will provide a sustainable drinking water supply for the near term and well into the future.”

The project scope also includes the construction of new groundwater extraction wells and raw water pipelines.

“As water resources in the West are increasingly strained, advanced water treatment technologies are providing excellent solutions for communities like Torrance to ensure a sustainable and resilient water supply,” said Sagrado Sparks, McCarthy’s Water Group Vice President. “Projects like this are proactively addressing water supply issues through proven technologies and continue to position California as a leader in protecting and preserving its fragile drinking water supply.”

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